Sunday, June 28, 2009

About Me

Hello, fellow Comp bloggers. I'm off to a late start already, I'm afraid, because of a devilish combination of technical difficulties and lazy frustration. I unfortunately lack the direction to announce that I intend to become a doctor or a journalist, but I will attempt to introduce myself to you by way of my more immediate activities.

One of my greatest loves is music. My main instruments are piano, violin, bassoon, and baritone, and I have dabbled in many others. I compose as well. This summer, I am playing in three musical groups: my father's Dixieland jazzband, the McFarland Community Band, and WSMA State Honors Orchestra. I have just returned from the intensive Honors camp, which lasted three days and included 22 hours of rehearsal. Yes, I am joyful to be back among the living.

I also love the written word, which is why I am taking this class and why I don't mind in the slightest that the Academic Decathlon selection for this year is A Tale of Two Cities.

My least desirable summer activity will be a three-week accelerated calculus course at Northwestern University. I have no great passion for math, but that is precisely the reason I am pursuing it early. I don't relish the thought of taking it next school year and neglecting it in favor of AP Comp, AP Euro, and Latin IV. Unfortunately, my solution has a downside as well: I doubt that while I'm in Illinois for three weeks taking integrals and whatnot I will also be blogging and writing essays.

I suppose I should finish off with some of the old standards. I am currently 16 years old (but only for another two weeks), I live with my mother, father, and paternal grandmother, and I have an older brother named Autumn who recently graduated from UW Madison. I also have some fish, who are all nameless. But don't worry, I name plenty of inanimate objects to make up for them.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Isis!

    Good job overcoming your technological blues and getting your blog up and running. Now you have three tasks ahead of you:
    1. Read and annotate the two Talk of the Town essays found in the class resources page
    2. Post your response to these essays. Remember that your post can take any form or tone suitable to your goals. Just be creative and thoughtful!
    3. Start following other people’s blogs. Their URLs can be found in the comments to my first post, or on the blogroll that will shortly be added to the class resources page.

    If you have any questions, please let me know. I'm glad to hear you survived grim, dour conductors and usurping bassoonists at band camp!

    Mr. Kunkle
